Growing Beyond Word Of Mouth

We can assume you didn't get into interior design to spend your time learning and keeping up to date with different marketing strategies.

Managing people, fixing day to day problems, engaging with clients, and delivering a top-notch design service are demanding tasks by themselves.

That being said, with marketing taking care of, you will have all the time you need to focus on fulfilling for your new and existing clients.

Are we a good fit?

  • You want prospects with a clear goal & vision of their project.
  • You need a website that represents your business well.
  • You're not being found by prospects on Google.
  • You would benefit from consistent lead generation.
  • You're seeking consistent month-over-month growth.

If the answer is yes to any or all of these, then it's time to partner with a marketing consultant that truly understands the interior design industry. You need someone that can showcase your business as an innovative and respected leader in the field.

Learn More
  • Hire a Full-Time Team Member:

    High costs: Salaries, benefits, and overhead.

    Limited expertise: Finding the right skills and industry knowledge.

    Capacity issues: One person may not handle all marketing needs.

  • Working with a Large Agency:

    Expensive: High fees and rigid pricing.

    Less personalized service: Feeling like just another client.

    Lack of flexibility: Difficulty adapting to specific needs.

  • DIY Marketing:

    Time-consuming: Learning and executing strategies takes effort.

    Risk of mistakes: Potential costly errors without a marketing background.

    Slower results: Delayed outcomes, hindering business growth.

  • Choose Polar Vision:

    Tailored Services: Customized plans and pricing for your needs and budget.

    Industry Expertise: Deep understanding of the interior design market.

    Personalized Attention: One-on-one support for your business.

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Book a Discovery Call

Turn Your Clicks Into Clients

During your complimentary consultation, you can expect:

1. Dive into Your Business & Assess Your Marketing:
3. Identify Challenges and Goals & Discuss Budget and Timeline
3. Present Next Steps

Reach out to book your free consultation.

  • StoriePro

    "Polar Vision Media has been amazing to work with.  Julian was able to completely overhaul our Instagram campaign - setting up AB tests, proper tracking, and focused targeting.  We saw an immediate increase in efficiency in terms of our spend and budget allocation.  I'd highly recommend Julian and his team."

    - Founder of StoriePro

  • John Arnaud Architecture

    "As a business owner with no marketing background, hiring Julian as a consultant was a new experience. He explained SEO, paid advertising, web design, and lead engagement in a way that was easy to understand. Julian's work on my website and strategy was priceless, and his advice still guides my business development approach today." - John Arnaud

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My What & Why

About PVM


My name is Julian -

With over 3 years of experience in digital marketing, I have developed an understanding of what systems and processes drive conversions. My journey spans across managing marketing campaigns for my own businesses, various small-medium sized businesses, and family owned companies.

I have seen firsthand the different marketing challenges various business types face and have successfully navigated through these. My experience has given me the knowledge and insights to design effective strategies that cater to specific business needs, paving the path to their success online.


I specialize in Paid Advertising - Google, Facebook, and Instagram being my chosen platforms. Since new things are coming out everyday and the game changes so fast, I chose to concentrate on this and work along side other high-quality business people to provide full service support.


At the heart of my motivation - the pursuit of mutual growth. Im driven by the dual goals of providing for my family and achieving massive success for anyone who works with me, my ambition goes beyond personal success. I am passionately committed to fostering the growth of other businesses, assisting entrepreneurs in realizing their ambitions, and contributing to their economic well-being.

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