Make Better Audiences & Get More Money

Make Better Audiences & Get More Money

Almost every time I begin working on ads for a new business, the biggest problem they overlooked wasn't the images, text, or offer…


It's a bad audience! I'll show you exactly how to avoid this and save thousands of dollars in just a few minutes.


Businesses often don't target the right people or to the extent they need to be. 


You can make or break your campaign if you show your service to someone who doesn't need or want it. You would think this is obvious, but I see it every time. 


You could waste thousands of dollars advertising to the wrong people. A lot of people do. What makes it worse is after they spend a bunch of money and get no results, they swear off running ads and miss out on so much profit. 


The best way to avoid this depends on the size of your business and available customer data you have. 


The number one way is if you have a list of people who have purchased from you of over 100 people for Facebook ads and over 1000 for Google ads. With this, you can create a lookalike audience.


It's exactly what it sounds like, an audience of people that have similar attributes/ behaviors to your previous customers. 


The other method, if you don't have a list, is also very simple. Especially you are going to test a broad audience of around 80-100+ million reach against a narrow audience of around 2-10 million reach. 


You will the genders to both. On the broad audience, you will leave the age to 18-65+, and on the narrow, you will apply the age range you know your target audience falls in. 


From here, leave the “targeting details” on the broad audience open. Dont apply any. On the narrow one, you will add any demographics, behaviors, and interests that apply to your service until its at the range suggested above. 


When you use these targeting strategies, you are increasing the chances of putting your adverts in front of people likely to have a want/ need for your product/ service. 


There are a few more methods I'll share if you let me know you liked the insight! 


If you want help implementing this, get in touch with us today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently, and discuss it with you in depth on a call.


No cost, no obligation.


If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard-selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

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