Double Your Business with Google Ads

Double Your Business with Google Ads

As an Interior Designer Google ads are seen as the best way to find new clients quickly.

Why are Google ads so powerful for Interior Designers?

The opportunity is the very same thing that makes Meta ads and Google ads different. 

When you run adverts on Meta it can be a useful tool but your putting your content in front of mostly cold prospects. The pitfall here is you put it in front of someone, they are not actively looking for it. On the other hand..

When someone sees your Google ad they were either researching or looking to buy what it is you offer. Big difference..

There are different cases to use both of these tools, but we are focused on getting new clients and the best way to do that is find people looking to build/ renovate/ decorate their home, at this very moment.

So how do you make a Google ad that converts? Lets go into grueling detail.

Follow these steps and you will never lose! 

1. Targeted Keywords:

  • Using local SEO and service-specific keywords like "interior designer near me" ensures your ads appear when clients are actively searching for relevant services. But targeting the right keywords is just the beginning—where your ads appear matters just as much...

2. Location Targeting:

  • Geo-targeting ensures your ads show up for users searching in the areas where your services are offered, meaning you avoid wasting ad spend on irrelevant locations. But once you've zeroed in on the right audience, how do you get them to take notice of your ad copy?

3. Effective Ad Copy:

  • Well-crafted ad copy that highlights your unique selling points and includes clear calls to action, like “Schedule a free consultation,” grabs attention and encourages action. But even the best ad copy won’t get you far without showcasing more about your business...

4. Ad Extensions:

  • Using ad extensions like call buttons, site links, and location details enhances your ad’s visibility and gives potential clients more ways to engage with your business. But capturing attention is only the first step—what if you could target users who are already looking for your services?

5. Audience Targeting:

  • By using in-market audiences and custom targeting, you can ensure your ads reach people actively searching for interior design services. But what happens when someone visits your site, checks out your portfolio, and leaves without taking action?

6. Remarketing:

  • Remarketing ads let you re-engage those potential clients who previously visited your site, reminding them of your services and encouraging them to return. But to truly get the most out of your ads, you'll need to make sure your budget is being spent wisely...

7. Budget Management:

  • Careful budget allocation, including manual bidding and CPC adjustments, ensures you maximize ROI without overspending. But getting clicks isn’t enough—you need to send those clicks to a page that converts leads into clients...

8. Landing Page Optimization:

  • Directing ad traffic to a tailored landing page that showcases your portfolio and has clear calls to action is key to converting leads. But how will you know which ads are actually driving those conversions?

9. Conversion Tracking:

  • With conversion tracking, you can monitor which actions—like form submissions and phone calls—are resulting from your ads, allowing for ongoing optimization. But to really nail down when and how to reach potential clients, there’s one more thing to consider...

10. Ad Schedule:

  • Adjusting your ad schedule to run at times when potential clients are most active ensures that your ads reach them at the perfect moment. And with all these elements working together, your Google Ads campaign becomes a powerful tool for growing your interior design business.

These are the steps you need to take to create winning Google ads. 

Its a lot I know.. 

If you want us to take a look at what you're doing or work on your ads for you, feel free to reach out HERE

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