How to Market Your Sustainable Business to Grow Faster

How to Market Your Sustainable Business to Grow Faster

Here are 3 ways you should be marketing yourself if you use eco-friendly practices in your Interior Design business. 

Eco-friendly practices, including sustainable materials and technologies, are expected to grow substantially over the next few years.

The green technology and sustainability market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.5% from 2023 to 2032.It means there is massive opportunity in getting involved. 

There are 3 ways to leverage this:

1.   Create Educational Content

  • Blog Posts & Guides: Write blogs or downloadable guides that educate potential clients about the benefits of sustainability in design. Share your knowledge on eco-friendly materials and processes. Use SEO to make these articles searchable, attracting a wider audience.

2. Showcase Sustainable Materials in Action

  • Before & After Stories: Use case studies or social media posts to show how using sustainable materials (e.g., recycled wood or energy-efficient lighting) has transformed spaces.This can include the eco-benefits of the project, such as reduced waste or improved energy efficiency.

3. Offer Free Green Design Consultations

  • Attract potential clients by offering free 15-30 minute consultations where you focus on how they can incorporate sustainability into their projects. This can be marketed via email campaigns, social media, or as a lead magnet on your website.

For more information on the future of sustainable practices in Interior Design. Click here.

All of these things will create market appeal and will differentiate you from the competition.

 If you are already doing some of these things reach out to us and we will be glad to help you take your sales to the next level! Just click here to connect with a quick call. 


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