How to Adapt to iOS Privacy Updates and Save Your Ad Performance

How to Adapt to iOS Privacy Updates and Save Your Ad Performance

The iOS Privacy Problem
Apple’s iOS 14.5 and iOS 15 updates have dramatically limited user tracking, hurting ad performance across platforms like Facebook and Google. Without adapting to these changes, many businesses are wasting ad budgets and failing to reach the right audience.

The Common Pitfall Costing Businesses Thousands of Dollars
Too many advertisers haven’t adjusted their strategies, resulting in poor targeting and ineffective ads. These outdated methods can leave your campaigns bleeding money without producing the expected results.

I struggled to figure out the secrets but now that I have them, you can save time & money!

How to Adapt

  1. Leverage First-Party Data: Focus on data you collect directly (website visits, email sign-ups, purchase history). This data isn't limited by iOS updates, making it crucial for retargeting and building lookalike audiences.
  2. Diversify Your Marketing Channels: Don’t rely solely on Facebook or Google Ads. By using a mix of platforms—like email marketing, organic SEO, or other social media networks—you can reduce your dependency on one source and capture leads from different avenues.
  3. Extend Custom Audience Time Frames: If you’re running custom audiences or lookalike campaigns, expand your audience collection timeframes to gather more insights and improve targeting accuracy. The more data you feed your campaigns, the better they’ll perform, even with limited tracking.


Take Action
These iOS privacy updates aren’t going away, but with the right strategies, your ads can still thrive. Implement these tactics and monitor the impact.

Need help adjusting your campaigns?

Contact us for a free consultation where we’ll assess your marketing strategy and find ways to improve your results—no hard selling, no pressure.

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